CoronaVirus Covid 19

CoronaVirus – COVID 19



June 2023

PLEASE NOTE: We are no longer maintaining a strict Covid 19 protocol and wearing face masks; however, we would welcome your request to wear masks or adhere to this protocol and will happily comply.


At Ever After Portraits, safety is my main priority at all times, including flu season and certainly during this epidemic.

Because I work closely with vulnerable clients including families with small children, I would like you to know that we are not taking the current CoronaVirus outbreak in the Northern Virginia area lightly. I am sure you have concerns about remaining safe and healthy at this time, too.

I would like to share the current steps I am taking to ensure the studio environment remains safe and clean for your portrait session. I will be updating this as required and following the WHO and CDC’s guidelines closely.

Some of these extra precautions include:

  • Deep cleaning of the studio after every session and prior to new clients arriving
  • Wearing a protective face mask during the session
  • Asking clients to reschedule if they feel unwell, even if it is mild
  • Asking clients to leave immediately if they present with a cough, fever or any other symptoms and carrying out a deep clean of the studio environment
  • Not reusing props until they have been deep cleaned after use
  • If I feel unwell, even mildly, I will contact you immediately to rearrange our session.

I understand how important this portrait session is for my clients, most especially at this time as time passes very quickly, but I also hear your concerns about the spread of the virus and wishing to protect your family.

I am taking all precautions to ensure my clients’ safety as well as my own. 

If you or your child feel unwell (even mild) before your session, please contact me as soon as possible so we can reschedule to another time.

If anyone attending the session appears to be unwell or have a cough, fever or other symptoms of a virus, the session will be halted and all clients will be asked to leave immediately.

If I (or anyone in my household) becomes unwell or comes into contact with anyone exhibiting symptoms, you will be notified immediately and we can reschedule for a better time. I am committed to protecting my clients at all times.

If you have any concerns or would like to chat further about booking a session or attending your portrait session, please send me an email at